
Témata prací

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Nalezeno 13 záznamů.
  • New Models for Independent Component/Vector Extraction
    • Abstrakt: The goal of Blind Source Separation (BSS) is to separate mixtures of signals (sources) that are observed by several sensors. Blind Source Extraction (BSE) aims at extracting only one particular signal. We have been developing methods for Independent Component/Vector Extraction (ICE/IVE) that extract the desired signal blindly based on the assumption that it is statistically independent of the other (background) signals. The ideas of ICE/IVE can be also applied to modify advanced BSS method for BSE. For example, the recently proposed Independent Low-Rank Matrix Analysis (ILRMA) can be modified this way. The goal of this thesis is to develop such modifications and, also, new models such as block-wise determined models or other models considering joint parameters.
    • Typ: Thesis
    • Trvání: 36 měsíců
    • Specializace: FM - Technical Cybernetics
    • Vedoucí: zbynek.koldovsky@tul.cz
    • Další informace: Scholarship is available,Suitable for students of PhD programme
  • Modern numerical methods for poromechanics
    • Abstrakt: The thesis will be focused on efficient numerical methods for the solution of flow and mechanics in fractured rocks. Numerical simulations of flow and mechanics in rocks is a challenging problem due to the different character of the physical processes, as well as the presence of geometrical nonhomogeneities and disturbances. To capture the disturbed zones, models based on equivalent continuum are usually combined with so-called discrete fracture networks (DFN). There exist several approaches of coupling continuum and DFN: (i) methods based on conforming mixed-dimensional meshes, (ii) non-conforming discretizations requiring meshes to be aligned with the intersections, (iii) non-matching discretizations without any constraint on the discretization of fractures and continuum. The aim will be to investigate selected methods related to finite elements, finite volumes or virtual elements, and compare them on models problems.
    • Typ: Thesis
    • Trvání: 48 měsíců
    • Specializace: FM - Applied Sciences in Engineering
    • Vedoucí: jan.stebel@tul.cz
    • Další informace: Suitable for students of PhD programme
  • Flow-induced vibration of blade cascades
    • Abstrakt: The general trend in the design of last-stage blades in modern steam turbines tends toward long and slender blades. Under certain circumstances, the blades can be susceptible to flow-induced vibration called blade flutter, with potentially catastrophic consequences. Theoretically, flutter may be avoided by stiffening the structure, increasing structural damping or modifying the blade shape and aerodynamic conditions. However, the possible measures are limited due to many practical constraints. In all accounts, the knowledge of the flow field and of the unsteady aerodynamic loading is essential for the flutter-free blade disc design. The general goal of the Ph.D. project is to investigate the conditions leading to blade flutter by means of numerical simulation of the fluid-structure interaction between the elastic blade sections in the cascade and the fluid flow. The fluid flow will be modeled by Navier-Stokes equations with a suitable turbulence model in the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian approach discretized by the Finite Volume Method using, e.g., the OpenFOAM CFD library. The blade section can be regarded as a rigid profile supported by a linear and torsional spring. The numerical simulations will be run in parallel using the computational resources of the Metacentrum NGI. The results of the CFD simulations will be validated by experimental data acquired by interferometric and pneumatic flow field measurements on a physical model in a high-speed wind tunnel.
    • Typ: Thesis
    • Trvání: 48 měsíců
    • Specializace: FM - Applied Sciences in Engineering
    • Vedoucí: petr.sidlof@tul.cz
    • Další informace: Suitable for students of PhD programme
  • Pushing Fundamental Limitations of Frequency-Domain Blind Source Separation
    • Abstrakt: The goal of Blind Audio Source Separation (BASS) is to separate signals that are observed by an array of microphones as mixtures of signals originating from individual sources (e.g. speakers). BASS is typically performed in the frequency-domain: The observed signals are divided into frames and each frame is transformed by Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT). This causes some fundamental limitations for the separation accuracy. The signals in the time-domain obey the convolutive mixing, which is, in the frequency domain, approximated as pure multiplication (instantaneous mixing). Circular-convolution effects, framing, the finite length of DFT and so forth impose approximation errors. The goal of this thesis is to develop approaches for minimizing the adverse effects on the accuracy of BASS. Methods of multirate digital signal processing, new models for BSS and/or special sensors can be used to this end.
    • Typ: Thesis
    • Trvání: 36 měsíců
    • Specializace: FM - Technical Cybernetics
    • Vedoucí: zbynek.koldovsky@tul.cz
    • Další informace: Scholarship is available,Suitable for students of Bachelor programme
  • Vliv charakteru akustického vlnění na růst bakterií v biologickém reaktoru
    • Abstrakt: Aplikace ultrazvukových vln generujících kavitaci v suspenzi, které obsahují mikroorganismy nebo enzymy, má za následek buněčnou smrt nebo enzymatickou deaktivaci. Pro eliminaci bakteriálního růstu nebo i pro potlačení pěnění byla ozkoušena řada postupů, jako metody založeny na tepelné hydrolýze či aplikaci páry. Vhodným nastavením frekvence a pulzačního režimu lze optimalizovat eliminaci mikroorganismu v biologických reaktorech, nebo naopak podpořit jejich růst. Cíle práce: - Rešerše "Vliv ultrazvuku na růst mikroorganismu", "Podstata ultrazvuku" - Sestavení experimentální trati s definovanými prvky - Testování vybraných 3 režimů průběhu sonického působení - Vizualizace děje v reaktoru - Vyhodnocení výsledků, vyvození závěrů, návrh optimalizace Práce bude probíhat v kooperaci s pracovištěm Technologie životního prostředí (vyhodnocení biologických vzorků)
    • Typ: Thesis
    • Trvání: 6 měsíců
    • Specializace: FM - Applied Sciences in Engineering
    • Vedoucí: darina.jasikova@tul.cz
    • Další informace: Scholarship is available,May take place during summer holidays,Suitable for students of Bachelor programme,Suitable for students of Master programme
  • Instrumentation for advanced measurement and control in smart grid systems and industrial automation
    • Abstrakt: Main assignment will be to develop and test hardware and firmware for embedded measurement or control system either in power quality monitoring (high sampling rates) or power factor correction and active filtering (high order of reliability required). Good prior knowledge in hardware design and/or C/C++ software development for embedded systems required. Experience with real time software development an advantage.
    • Typ: Internship
    • Trvání: 12 měsíců
    • Specializace: FM - Technical Cybernetics
    • Vedoucí: jan.kraus@tul.cz
    • Další informace: Scholarship is available,May take place during summer holidays,Suitable for students of PhD programme,Suitable for students of Master programme
  • Mikročip pro tvorbu monodisperzního systému
    • Abstrakt: Cíle práce: - Rešerše „mikro fluidika“, metody - Návrh a realizace mikrofluidní sestavy pro tvorbu monodisperzního systému - Použití metody Global Imaging – uPIV a vizualizace procesu kapkování - Vyhodnocení dat, návrh optimalizace - Vyvození závěrů experimentů a doporučení Motivace: - Ověření experimentálního stendu a vlivu okrajových podmínek na chování kapaliny (viskozita, hustota fází, teplota, rychlost dávkování ) - Kooperace a pórování s výsledky simulačních matematických modelů
    • Typ: Thesis
    • Trvání: 6 měsíců
    • Specializace: FM - Applied Sciences in Engineering
    • Vedoucí: darina.jasikova@tul.cz
    • Další informace: May take place during summer holidays,Suitable for students of Bachelor programme,Suitable for students of Master programme
  • Data mining and performance presentation in large scale energy management systems
    • Abstrakt: To study, design and implement methods for large scale data analysis within the domain of general purpose energy management applications. Main assignment is to invent methods for anomalies detection in the given data series of measurements from multiple sites across the monitored systems with or without previous knowledge about the analysed issues. Higher level of statistics (time series) and computer science/software engineering skills expected.
    • Typ: Thesis
    • Trvání: 36 měsíců
    • Specializace: FM - Technical Cybernetics
    • Vedoucí: jan.kraus@tul.cz
    • Další informace: Scholarship is available,May take place during summer holidays,Suitable for students of PhD programme,Suitable for students of Master programme
  • Blind Source Separation Through Joint Independent Subspace Extraction
    • Abstrakt: The goal of Blind Source Separation (BSS) is to separate mixtures of signals (sources) that are observed by several sensors. BSS methods based on the assumption that the sources to-be separated are independent have been very popular due to their wide applicability. Blind Source Extraction is a sub-problem of BSS where only one source should be separated from the other background signals. Our group has been developing methods for this problem called Independent Component/Vector Extraction (ICE/IVE). The goal of this thesis is to modify existing ICE/IVE approaches for extracting subspaces of signals (the existing methods extract only one-dimensional signals). The development of novel methods and the computation of Cramer-Rao bound for the problem could be also the goal.
    • Typ: Thesis
    • Trvání: 36 měsíců
    • Specializace: FM - Technical Cybernetics
    • Vedoucí: zbynek.koldovsky@tul.cz
    • Další informace: Scholarship is available,Suitable for students of PhD programme
  • Partially Supervised Blind Source Separation
    • Abstrakt: The goal of Blind Source Separation (BSS) is to separate mixtures of signals (sources) that are observed by several sensors. The term "blind" means that minimum information should be used, and the separation should be based only on general mathematical principles. Independent Component Analysis is a BSS method based on the assumption that the originals signals are statistically independent. BSS methods are widely used as the conditions for being applicable are very general, however, their performance is limited due to lack of information. They also suffer from indeterminacies (e.g. the original order of signals cannot be determined without additive knowledge). BSS methods can be modified in various ways so that some knowledge is used for improving the separation. These methods are often referred to as semi-blind. The goal of this thesis is to develop new semi-blind approaches, especially, for audio source separation, such that are robust to inaccurate information. Also, new methods for side information acquisition (such as through training a deep neural network) can be developed.
    • Typ: Thesis
    • Trvání: 36 měsíců
    • Specializace: FM - Technical Cybernetics
    • Vedoucí: zbynek.koldovsky@tul.cz
    • Další informace: Scholarship is available,Suitable for students of PhD programme
  • Vliv uspořádání a parametrů ve více-membránovém prvku na akustické chování systému
    • Abstrakt: Membránové akustické systémy pracují na principu rezonance, kde akustické veličiny závisí kromě strukturních parametrů membrány zejména na jejím plošném rozměru, resp.tvaru a na mechanickém napětí, resp. tuhosti membrány. Cílem je návrh více-membránového systému pro pohlcování zvuku, experimentální ověření a modelování akustického chování prvku. Součástí práce je studium metod pro hodnocení akustických vlastností membránových rezonátorů, zejména činitele zvukové pohltivosti, stanovení rezonančního chování dílčích membrán a celého membránového systému. Část práce je zaměřena na stanovení radiálního napětí membrány, potřebného pro následný teoretický výpočet akustického chování prvku a modelování tohoto chování. Akustické vlastnosti nanovlákenných vrstev jsou dány jednak velkým specifickým povrchem nanovláken, kde může docházet k viskózním ztrátám a také schopností nanovlákenné vrstvy rezonovat na vlastní frekvenci, proto je vhodné nanovlákennou strukturu využít k návrhu a přípravě rezonanční membrány volitelných parametrů.
    • Typ: Thesis
    • Trvání: 48 měsíců
    • Specializace: FM - Applied Sciences in Engineering
    • Vedoucí: klara.kalinova@tul.cz
    • Další informace: Suitable for students of PhD programme
  • Desky plošných spojů - návrh, analýzy, pokročilé technologie
    • Abstrakt: Téma doktorského studia je zaměřeno na aktuální problematiku vlastností desek plošných spojů (DPS) zejména v souvislosti s novými možnostmi jejich výroby a zvyšováním požadavků uživatelů. Studium by mělo být zaměřeno na vlastnosti DPS s ohledem na řízenou impedanci a na její řízení při použití technologií 3D tisku (jak na vnějších vrstvách, tak plnoobjemový tisk).
    • Typ: Thesis
    • Trvání: 36 měsíců
    • Specializace: FM - Technical Cybernetics
    • Vedoucí: zdenek.pliva@tul.cz
    • Další informace: Suitable for students of PhD programme
  • Inverse numerical model for groundwater temperature tracing
    • Abstrakt: As the observation data for groundwater transport inside the rock are limited (mostly to indirect methods, point or integral data), it is convenient but also challenging to include more physical processes to constrain the hypotheses on spatial flow distribution on various scales, including fracture network in hard rock. The contribution of groundwater flow to heat transport is well known and the temperature monitoring is used as an indicator of water flow directions and magnitude in standard configuration or conditions. The aim of the suggested thesis is to demonstrate an evaluation with more complex conditions - on a case study of a tunnel with water pipeline in granite massif: a combination of natural water/heat transport and antropogenic quasi-periodic influence, as well as a combination of more temporal/spatial scales, tenths to hundreds of meters, annual periods vs. construction lifetime. From ten years monitoring data of flow rates and water and rock temperatures, it is intended to estimate a configuration and physical parameters of permeable zones both near the tunnel and in the whole rock block crossed by the tunnel. Inverse solvers and multiscale model approaches will be applied, for coupled process of groundwate flow, solute transport and heat transport.
    • Typ: Thesis
    • Trvání: 48 měsíců
    • Specializace: FM - Applied Sciences in Engineering
    • Vedoucí: milan.hokr@tul.cz
    • Další informace: Scholarship is available,May take place during summer holidays,Suitable for students of PhD programme
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